Monday, September 29, 2008

Mobius Dickus

It's a magnificent theme. Sea myths are incredibly potent. In fact, I feel potency in my every member just thinking about it. I feel the tides of potency determining my every posture. Potency becomes me. Potency annihlates me. Potency turns me round and violates me, while potency's accomplices watch, laughing, parrots chirping on their shoulders. Potency leaves me crumpled in a corner, guilty, exhausted, but desperate for more.
I am so excited about this album, particularly after the MONSTROUS triumph of The Superhoeroes of Science. The potentialities are too much for one man, in fact: so I have called a meeting of my peers next week. Perhaps togethe we can get to the bottom of this thematic mystery, and come up with a compositional plan ...

Good luck to the rest of IML.

One-Eyed Willy

Time to plug things in and start thinking

So Rob has set the brief for the next Intercontinental Music Lab project, "Superheroes of the Sea". I'm very excited about this, potentially this could be even more mind blowing than our previous album "Superheroes of Science". As with the science theme there's plenty of scope to explore the lives of people, or beasts but this time with the added value of ... myths. It's such a rich theme to explore that I'm not sure where I'm going to start. Screaming guitars to accompany a Kraken or more ukulele to accompany an oceanographer? One things for sure, I'm going to spend more time composing this time round. Good luck everyone. Anyway, I've got a cold at the moment so I feel very much under the sea.