I made some headway into my track last night. I've been experimenting with different microphone placements and rooms to get the right sound for the acoustic guitars. That bit's easy. I've also been trying out different string types from ultra light to medium. Blah blah blah. That's all fine but I haven't been playing enough guitar recently so I'm cheese-wiring my fingers. It's sounding good though. Lacking a bass, I've been sticking the electric guitar through some bass amp plug ins which sound OK. Might end up a bit muddy. I'm not sure, but this track may be submitted without a theme at all. I know that when I was running the Superheroes of Science project the ability to listen to a track, choose a scientist and singer, led to a feeling of power never felt before. It would be nice to bestow that power upon Rob.
In other news, I can see that someone has uploaded a backing track already for Superheroes of The Sea but I won't be listening to that until my track's recorded. Just in case, you know, I get scared. Sploosh!